Public Charge قانون المساعدات والجرين كارت

بدأ اليوم بتطبيق قانون المساعدات وتاثيرها على التقديم على الجرين كارت

معنى كلمة مساعدات؟

فود وكاش وهاوسنج وميدكيد وسكشن 8

Public Charge

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, “EBT” or “Food Stamps”)

Federal Public Housing and Section 8 assistance

Medicaid (except for emergency services, children under 21 years, pregnant women, and new mothers)

Cash assistance programs (like SSI, TANF, General Assistance)
من سوف يتاثر بهذا القرار؟ اذا كنت لاجى او مقدم على اللجوء فلن ينطبق عليك القرار لكن اذا كنت خارج امريكا اكثر من 180 يوم فنعم سوف يؤثر عليك

Most immigrants will not be affected. This DHS public charge regulation does not affect all immigrants. Refugees, asylees, survivors of trafficking, domestic violence and other serious crimes, and other “humanitarian” immigrants are not affected. Benefits received when people are in one of these statuses will not be counted against them. Lawful permanent residents (or people with “green cards”) are not affected unless they leave the US for over 180 days and seek to reenter.

 القرار ينطبق على من جاء بفيزا لم شمل وسوف يقدم جرين كارت على اساس لم شمل عائلي

 Do you plan to apply for a family-based green card?

Only the use of the public programs listed on first page will be considered in the public charge test. Your income, age, health, education, skills, family situation, and sponsor’s


هذه المقالة ليست باستشارة قانونية وانما ترجمة غير رسمية لنقاط مهمة في القانون 
This is not a legal advice.  It is just informal interpretation 


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